Litigation Support and Expert Witness
The CapVal-ABA litigation team has provided attorneys and their clients with litigation support and expert witness services for years, with some of our professionals having over 35 years of related experience. Our opinions are valued by attorneys, clients, and triers of fact because we are credentialed professionals who work exclusively in valuation and litigation support, as opposed to those whose work is part-time or who work in valuation only as an add-on to other financial services. We communicate our positions in a fashion that attorneys, clients, and judges and juries, can understand.
Members of our team are qualified expert witnesses in several state courts, U.S. District Court, and U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Although we are located in the Southeast, we have worked in jurisdictions coast-to-coast; geography is not a limitation.
Through frequent sponsorships of bar associations and specific bar programs we maintain continual interaction with the legal community allowing us to remain current on the legal profession’s emerging valuation and damages issues in various jurisdictions, and we have regular opportunities to provide comment and training to attorneys and judges.
Our litigation support services include, but are not limited to: marital and family law, shareholder disputes and other business “divorces”, including dissenting owners and shareholder oppression, business damages, personal injury, business losses in eminent domain issues, bankruptcy, and fraud and forensics analysis.
Featured Projects

CapVal-ABA provided appraisal of a medical practice for marital estate through this healthcare practice valuation.

Capval-ABA provided a valuation of a chiropractic center for marital litigation purposes.